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Using Castor Oil + Aloe Vera For Natural Hair Growth

I love castor oil and aloe vera to help grow my hair. Castor oil consists of 90% ricinoleic acid which is an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. It's also a good source of omega-9 fatty acids which feed the hair follicle. It also has the unique ability to penetrate the deeper layers of skin. It's a very thick oil and it doesn't freeze, so don't expect it to solidify.

I would describe castor oil as stimulating. You can really f

eel your circulation going when you apply it to the skin.

Aloe Vera helps to restore the scalp's pH to create the healthiest environment for hair growth, it contain proteolitic enzymes that break down any dead skin cells blocking the hair from growing. So it's a deep exfoliation for your scalp. It so important to exfoliate your scalp just as you do your face and body.

Here's what you'll need:

I usually work with tablespoons, so 2 tbsp castor oil, 1 tbsp coconut oil, 2 tbsp aloe vera gel.

  • 2 parts castor oil

  • 1 part coconut oil -

  • 2 parts aloe vera gel - fresh or I like using a this aloe vera gel

Word of caution!! The material close to the leaf produces a yellow fluid, that maybe too strong for some, it is often used as a natural laxative. It is very strong and can cause a reaction.


  • Chop off approximately the top 1/8th of your aloe plant.

  • Place all ingredients in a blender.

  • Pour into plastic bottle with pointed tip

  • Apply your mixture to the scalp. You can part your hair in quarters. I typically start from left to right, making a deep part on the left, applying it directly to the scalp and making another part about an inch above and continue doing the same until I've reached the other side of my head. I then go and do the back, and apply all around the hair line and fill in any gaps I missed.

FYI:: The yellow fluid produced by the leaf is likely to cause a reaction, especially to those who are allergic to latex, do a patch test whenever you're trying anything new!!!


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